Sacred Waters Thailand Yoga Retreat: A Journey of Reconnection

Sacred Waters Thailand Yoga Retreat: A Journey of Reconnection

The Sacred Waters Thailand yoga retreat was an absolute magic. The moment I stepped back onto Wareerak’s land and bathed in its sacred waters, I felt a deep sense of …

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Bali Love

Bali Love

Embarking on a two month-long journey in Bali has been nothing short of enchanting. From the bustling streets of Ubud to the serene beaches of the north, each day unfolds …

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A Tale of Endings and Beginnings

A Tale of Endings and Beginnings

As I sit here on my beloved island of Corfu, watching one restaurant and shop after another close their doors, I can’t help but feel the bittersweet tug of summer’s …

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Embracing Simplicity: Lessons Learned from a Summer of Reflection in Corfu

Embracing Simplicity: Lessons Learned from a Summer of Reflection in Corfu

As the sun-soaked days of summer enveloped Corfu, a picturesque island that I call home, life took on a vibrant rhythm. Festivals, concerts, gatherings with friends, and an array of …

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Sacred waters

Sacred waters

As most of you may know, this past winter our family was fortunate enough to spend several weeks in Thailand. During our stay, we discovered many wonderful places and met …

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Traveling as a Family (Thailand)

Traveling as a Family (Thailand)

After settling back into our sweet little home on Corfu and spending a quiet Christmas & New Year’s on the Island, the idea of traveling and making winter just a …

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3 little Question Marks in Italy

3 little Question Marks in Italy

It’s just a little above 20 degrees in the sun, the leaves of the Puglian Olive tree I lean against are dancing in the fall breeze. Autumn in South Italy …

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Nature Nurture Me

Nature Nurture Me

About 1 month ago I held my first Retreat on my new Homeland, Corfu – ‘Nature Nurture Me’ was a beautiful journey that went much deeper than I had dared …

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The Magic of Corfu

The Magic of Corfu

As you have probably seen from my pictures, changing our base to Corfu turned out to be a permanent choice – and probably one of the best I ever made. …

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Navigating Change

Navigating Change

Autumn is here, the time of harvest and change of seasons and letting go. We have just celebrated Dario’s birthday who has just turned 2 and for me it’s a …

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Late summer news

Late summer news

It is almost the end of the summer and a sweet change of the weather can be felt in the air. I love this time of the year when it’s …

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Take a seat in the temple within

Take a seat in the temple within

Over 20 years ago when I began my yoga journey first I was so inspired as my teacher at the time was quoting the following statement by BKS Iyengar “The …

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A passion for dance

A passion for dance

Recently I have not been feeling very motivated to engage much and post on social media platforms. My apologies on those who have been faithfully following me around since years, …

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Winter solstice ritual

Winter solstice ritual

Ah it is that time again, the ending of the year. Isn’t it funny how we humans get so incredibly busy during this particular time? Between extra work loads, Christmas …

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Private Yoga Teacher Training

Private Yoga Teacher Training

This last summer a yoga student from Australia had contacted me to ask if I could give her a private 200h yoga teacher training. At first I thought “oh that …

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Awakening the Spine

Awakening the Spine

Toffia a sleepy little medieval village deep in the region of Lazio, Italy. It’s not a touristy place at all, there is not much to see or do, and that …

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Earth salutations

Earth salutations

I can’t believe that my personal retreat time in California is already coming to an end so soon now in a few days. Time simply flew by in a blink …

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Summer Soltice

Summer Soltice

Dear Yogis and friends, Today is the summer solstice and the international yoga day as well. What a promise for a bright day right ? I hope you shine in …

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Fluidity of movement

Fluidity of movement

Dear Yogis and friends, I am writing to you from Naples where I just came back from a whole month spent on the island of Ischia. I was assisting my …

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Spring time yoga in the desert

Spring time yoga in the desert

After such a long and cold winter this year I hope you are now fully enjoying the contrast of nature reawakening to Spring… yay yuppie it is here 🙂 finally!! …

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